The Effects of the Coronavirus on Crime worldwide - Chapter 2

The Effects of the Coronavirus on Crime worldwide - Chapter 2 

By B. General (r) Guy Nir, 

INP. 2022 

In a previous article, I referred to what is expected to happen in the field of crime after the coronavirus period. Before I elaborate on analyzing crime trends and crime prediction, I would like to take a step back and take a look on crime trends around the world during the coronavirus period. The virus has forced entire countries to conduct different behaviors and establish emergency regulations. Due to this special situation created, researchers around the world were able to conduct criminological studies and examine theories in a real but controlled research environment, in a way that would not have been possible without the restrictions imposed by the virus. The objective of the researchers was mainly to try isolating the factors that led to the reduction trend in crime during the coronavirus period, in order to examine whether they could be used in the future to "repeat and reconstruct" the achievement and reduce crime even during routine periods. One of the unique aspects of the covid-19 crisis is the movement restrictions and closures imposed and enforced in order to slow the spread of the virus and to interrupt the dangerous chain of infection. One of the by-products that has stood out positively during these unprecedented events around the world is the considerable decline in crime rates during the periods of restrictions. Preliminary studies conducted in several countries around the world indicate that during these periods, while the public was under movement restrictions and social isolation, there was indeed a change in crime rates but unequally reviewing different types of crime, in different areas of the city and in different time frames. For example, in many places there has been a dramatic reduction in the number of breaking into houses, but there has been an increase in breaking into businesses and mass stealing. There has been a low number of reports regarding violence in city centers and downtowns areas, but there has been an increase in domestic violence offenses in residential neighborhoods. These studies focused on two key questions: · Why have crime rates dropped so dramatically at a time when restrictions were in place? · What can we learn from this experience in order to reduce future crime during routine times? Without risking a 'spoiler', I can just mention that the results of these studies are interesting and can be very helpful for any law enforcement agency. I can determine with certainty that based on the findings, leaders of law enforcements agencies have now a golden opportunity to examine the results of these studies, apprehend the subject in profound and professional ways, and get deep insights that will serve the organization for the purpose of taking efficient, focused measures with the goal of reducing crime.