The Hamas movement was established at the end of 1987. It engraved on its flag clear and well-known terror  principles and did not deviate from them during all the years of its existence.
Hamas is declared a terrorist organization in many countries and extensive and have been a target  for massive intelligence gathering  for many years, not only by Israel

so what the hell has happend?? thats the lectures topic.
Examining the success of Hamas-

When examining an adversary or enemy, intelligence is collected about three subjects-
1. The enemy's preparation for attack - risk scenarios, doctrines and doctrines, operational capabilities, level of training and combat, time and space, integration and coordination of forces and arms, push.
2. The enemy's intentions - objectives, goals, achievements,
3. The enemy's defensive preparations - fortifications, traps, tunnels, use of civilian buildings, fighting methods, alliances of forces, command and control.
Intelligence also focuses on studying the enemy's financing methods and his breathing capacity in emergency situations, international support, agents of influence in the world.
In Israel, three main bodies and a number of secondary bodies deal with intelligence gathering -
The main ones: Shin Bet, IDF and Mossad.
Secondary: Shavas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

we shall examin procceses and defects in order to analyze and comprehend the scale of the failure ,